San Jose ADU Requirements Every Homeowner Should Know

Uncover essential details about San Jose’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) requirements. Discover zoning, permitting processes, design specifications, building codes, parking regulations, fire safety norms, utility connections, and financial incentives to guide your ADU project.

As the cost of living continues to rise in San Jose, many homeowners seek ways to maximize their property and generate additional income. One popular solution is building an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), a granny flat or in-law unit. ADUs are secondary housing units built on the same lot as a primary residence and can be rented out for additional income or used for family members.

Before embarking on an ADU construction project, it’s essential to understand the city of San Jose’s regulations and requirements. This article will cover everything you need to know about building an ADU in San Jose.

San Jose ADU Requirements

San Jose ADU Regulations

San Jose has been proactive in promoting ADUs as a way to increase affordable housing options and address the growing population. As such, they have made it relatively easy for homeowners to build ADUs on their property. However, there are still regulations in place that must be followed.

Before embarking on your construction project, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the San Jose ADU requirements. These regulations encompass zoning and land use requirements, the permitting process with associated fees, and size and design specifications for your ADU. By ensuring compliance with these guidelines, you can avoid potential legal hurdles and confidently move forward with your ADU construction.

Zoning and Land Use Requirements

The first step in building an ADU is to ensure that your property is zoned for one. In San Jose, ADUs are allowed in residential zones, including single- and multi-family zones. However, your specific zone may have additional conditions or restrictions.

It’s also important to note that your lot must meet specific land use requirements for building an ADU. These include minimum lot size, lot coverage, and open space requirements. The city’s planning and zoning website has more information about these requirements.

White Remodeling is your go-to expert for navigating your ADU project’s zoning and land use requirements. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we ensure the success of your ADU by evaluating your lot’s eligibility and guiding you through any specific conditions that may arise. From planning to construction, we provide a seamless experience, ensuring that your ADU meets San Jose’s regulations.

Permitting Process and Fees

Before construction begins, you must obtain a building permit from the city. The process for getting a permit will depend on whether your ADU is attached or detached. You may also need additional permits, such as electrical or plumbing permits.

Each permit has a fee, which will vary depending on the size and type of ADU. As of 2021, the average cost for a permit is around $10,000. Investigating these costs is essential when budgeting for your ADU project.

The city of San Jose has developed the “ADU Universal Checklist” to help homeowners navigate the permitting process. This comprehensive guide outlines the steps and documentation required when applying for an ADU permit. Reviewing and following this checklist meticulously is vital to avoid any delays or complications in your project.

Size and Design Specifications

The city of San Jose has specific requirements for the size and design of ADUs. Attached ADUs can be no more than 50% of the primary residence’s size, while detached ADUs can be no more than 1,200 square feet. There are also height restrictions and design guidelines that must be followed.

It’s essential to consult with a professional architect or contractor to ensure your ADU plans meet all the necessary specifications before applying for a permit.

Additionally, the city encourages designs that harmonize with the existing primary residence and neighborhood character, reinforcing the importance of aesthetic considerations when planning your ADU. Understanding and adhering to San Jose ADU requirements ensures a smoother approval process and contributes to creating a housing solution that adds value to your property and enhances the community’s overall living experience.

Building Codes and Restrictions

In addition to the city’s ADU regulations, building codes and restrictions must be followed when constructing an ADU in San Jose.

These codes and restrictions encompass requirements related to parking, setbacks, fire safety, building inspections, and utilities and connections. Adherence to these regulations ensures that your ADU is legal, safe, and functional. These measures are implemented to maintain the integrity of residential areas and preserve the quality of life for all residents.

Parking and Setback Regulations

Parking is one of the most common concerns for homeowners looking to build an ADU. The city requires at least one parking space per unit, which can be waived under certain conditions. For example, if your property is located within a half-mile of public transportation, you may be exempt from providing parking.

Setback regulations must be followed, which dictate how close an ADU can be built to the primary residence and surrounding properties.

Fire Safety and Building Inspections

To ensure the safety of tenants, ADUs in San Jose must comply with fire safety regulations and undergo building inspections. Depending on the size and type of ADU, this may include the installation of smoke alarms and fire sprinkler systems.

Building inspections will be necessary at various construction stages to comply with San Jose ADU requirements. It is crucial to inform your contractor about these requirements to effectively incorporate them into the building plans.

Utilities and Connections

When building an ADU, you must provide separate utility connections for the unit. This includes electricity, water, and sewer connections. In some cases, a second meter may be required for the ADU.

It’s essential to consult with your local utility department to determine what is needed for your specific property and ensure that all necessary connections are made during construction.

Farm ADU House

Financing and Incentives

Building an ADU can be a significant investment, but financing options and incentives are available to help ease the financial burden.

The city of San Jose offers a loan program for low-income or moderate-income homeowners looking to build an ADU. State programs, such as the Accessory Dwelling Unit Financing Program (ADUFP), offer loans and grants to assist with ADU construction.

Beyond government incentives, there are several other avenues homeowners can explore to finance their ADU projects:

  • Home equity loans and lines of credit (HELOCs) allow homeowners to borrow against the equity they’ve built in their homes. Home equity loans offer a lump sum, typically with a fixed interest rate. HELOCs work more like credit cards, providing a line of credit that can be accessed and repaid continuously.
  • Refinancing: Homeowners can refinance their existing mortgage, potentially securing a lower interest rate or cashing out a portion of their home’s equity to fund the ADU project.
  • Construction Loans: These are short-term loans specifically designed to fund building projects. Once the construction is finished, homeowners can refinance the loan into a traditional mortgage.
  • Personal Loans: A personal loan could be sufficient if the project’s scope is relatively small. Although personal loans typically have higher interest rates than secured loans like home equity products, they can be obtained faster without putting your home as collateral.
  • Credit Cards: A credit card could be a viable option for small projects or specific purchases. However, this should be considered a last resort because credit card interest rates are typically much higher than other financing options.

Thorough research and guidance from a financial advisor are crucial to finding the best financing option for your financial situation and ADU project. Each option has its qualifications, interest rates, and terms. For more information, contact us at 408-337-9547.


Constructing an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in San Jose involves a well-defined process with clear guidelines. Every detail matters, from zoning and land use requirements to the intricacies of design and size specifications, not to mention adherence to building codes. While the process may seem complex, knowing what to expect can help you navigate it smoothly. Take advantage of the various financing options and incentives available to you.

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